Citizen Journalism - t by Krzysztof Kozek!
Welcome! I want to invite you to our server, pleasantness, nice people and well secured server, that is our advantages. New solutiones with rr, mobs ets, check our website, read and start playing !!!
--------------------------- INFO --------------------------- Server Name: OldMu Wersion: 97D + 99 Max Players Online: 100 Hours: 24/7
Dedicated: No From: Poland
IP: launcher Port: launcher
Web Site: Forum: Registration: on site
--------------------------- CONFIGURATION --------------------------- Exp: 100 Drop: 35 BB: NO Mobs HP: 100 Reset: 350 lvl, 350 points after rr, reset cost 50kk Events: 1 event each day Zen Party Bug: NO Potion Bug: NO Shadow Bug NO Guild: 100 lvl MG: 250 lvl DL: Max Item Lvl: +15 +28 Hearts etc: NO
--------------------------- JEWELS PRICE --------------------------- Bless: 9kk Soul: 6kk Chaos: none in shop Life: 45kk Creation: non in shop
--------------------------- INVASIONS --------------------------- Golden Goblin: every 2h Golden Taikan: every 3h Golden Dragon: every 4h Golden Lizard: every 5h Golden Tantalos: every 6h
Lorencia: 185x141 - 226x168 - Budge Dragon 54x101-79x143 - Elite Bull Fighter Noria: DK (spot ONLY for elfs) Davias: 203x153 - 223x200 - Elite Yeti Stadium: only for events Other maps: LT7: DK,Death Gorgon, Balrog ATLANS: vepar,bahamut, hydra, lizard king, silver Icarus: FULL
--------------------------- SHOPS --------------------------- Lorencia: Leather, bronze +0+8 + L and such as for every class Davias: Scale and such as for every class + 5+12+ L
--------------------------- EVENTS --------------------------- BloodCastle: YES (new solutions with BC) DevilSquare: YES (coming soon)