Citizen Journalism - t by Krzysztof Kozek!
W tym temacie chcę zamieszczać programy i gry na iPhone, które możecie zakupić w AppStore. Zamieszczam również instrukcję, którą zapewne większość z was zna, aczkolwiek warto ją przypomnieć.
Opisy gier / programów można znaleźć w internecie (google, youtube) bądź w AppStore.
Wszystkie linki umieszczone są na koncie Premium.
Każdy part waży ok. 50mb
Oto pierwsza paczka gier i aplikacji: Download: Rapidshare, Hotfile, Megaupload, Przeklej i Inne
3D Power Fishing 1-kidmoneys
A+ Burger 1.1-Hata1234
A+ Certification Exam 20-601 1.0-kidmoneys
AccelaStudy German-Russian 1.2.2-Inferior
Acro Bible Niv Plus 2.3-kidmoneys
Aero Synth 1.0.0-abraverman1
AirMote 1.1-most_uniQue
Alphabetic 1.0.2-kidfantasy
ATC 4.0 1.0-WYSE
BallsEye 2.0-CopyTight
Big Fun Racing 1.0-135bme
Big Two 1.1-Hata1234
Bobby Carrot Forever 1.01-Costaxtreme
Brain Blaze Spelling 1.1.1
Burning Monkey Puzzle Lab 1.1-Mr.KEnNY
Canadian Citizenship Test 1.1-kidmoneys
CubeeCubee 1.1-Hata1234
CuBert 1.0-kidmoneys
Cylon Detector 1.0-zagaberoo
DasBoot - The Hunt For U-505 1.1
Days of Thunder 1.0.1-swillard8
Drop7 1.1-sadrac
DVD Dashboard 1.1.1-kidmoneys
Earthbook 1.0.2-nintylinky
Easy Wi-Fi for AT&T iPhones 2.1.3-DrDrrae
Edit Before Call-SMS 2.0-Hata1234
Falling Sands 2.9.0-kidmoneys
Feeds 1.22-CopyTight
Flight Status 4.2-CopyTight
FourTrack 1.2-iphoniak
Free Translator 1.0.10-most_uniQue
Fuel Prices - Spain 1.2-most_uniQue
i Sniper 0.1.3-kidmoneys
Iconic Notes 2.0-iphoniak
iD Generator 1.4-dNaPdA
Iddaa 1.0
iFerrari 1.1-most_uniQue
iGeo Game 1.0.1
iHorror 1-SteveJobs
iHusky 3D Pet 0.2.1-most_uniQue
iJokeSounds 1-SteveJobs
iLambo 1.1-most_uniQue
iLinks Pro 1.0-kidmoneys
iPingpong 1.1-m@ster
ipopetzBallo 1.2-CopyTight
iRedTouch 1.2-most_uniQue
iScanner Reicorder 1.2-dNaPdA
iTM Matrix 1.2.5-most_uniQue
iToot 1.05-most_uniQue
ITV Italia 1.1-kidmoneys
JeoparCalc 1.22-most_uniQue
KISSCOMI Prologue 1.8-Hata12340
Legends - Least of My Brethren a Purgatory Station Story 2.3-most_unique
LicensePlate 1.6-TraderTic
Linguo 1.5-kidmoneys
Live Toolkit 1.00-foundfootage
LiveToolkit 1.00-phuloves
Manic Marble 1.0-kidmoneys
Mark On Call 1.1-kidmoneys
Mathomatic 1.1-most_uniQue
Mediamote 1.1-sergiogon
MewMew Tower 1.21
Mines In Space 1.2-sadrac
Mining Bots 1.0-kidmoneys
MusicAlarm 1.0-kidmoneys
MyClockRadio 2.0-AxiXixA
Notespark 1.1-Inferior
Optiscan - QR code scanner and generator 1.0-kidmoneys
Packing 3.1-phuloves
PandaWords Chinese Writing for Intermediate 1 (English Version) 1.0-kidmoneys
PandaWords Chinese Writing for Intermediate 2 (English Version) 1.0-kidmoneys
PandaWords Chinese Writing for Intermediate Level 1 (Spanish Version) 1.0-kidmoneys
PandaWords Chinese Writing for Intermediate Level 2 (Spanish Version) 1.0-kidmoneys
PDF Reader Pro 1.1-CopyTight
Portscan 1.2.1-phuloves
PunchClock 1.2-gadeputy
Rainbow Ninja 1.0.1-net_10
Retro - Cave Flyer 1.1-CostaXtreme
Rev 1.1-drassini
Satori Sudoku 1.5
Scanimation 1.0-SteveJobs
Self Help classics 2.2-kidmoneys
Snabiz 1.0-kidmoneys
Spades Master Live 1.12-CopyTight
Super Word Find 1.1-SteveJobs
SuperBall 2 2.15-honeybrain
The ECG Guide 3.0-most_uniQue
Theme Park Madness 1.0-WYSE
Time Bomb 1.0-CopyTight
To-Do Lists 2.1.1-Hata1234
TouchNumber 1.0-SteveJobs
Trails 1.82-CopyTight
Twistism 2.20-SteveJobs
U.S. Citizenship Test 1.0.1-kidmoneys
Wobble 1.1-tizocman
WOBBLE Her Bikini 1.1-SteveJobs
WWW Site Monitor 1.0-kidmoneys
Year Of The Ox 1.01
ZAGAT TO GO '09 1.2.102-SteveJobs
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