Katalog wyszukanych fraz
Citizen Journalism - t by Krzysztof Kozek!


* The game must run on devices that support JSR-184
* High performance devices boost the game’s performance
* Devices with bigger screen enhance your visual experience
* 260k above available storage space is required for the game’s JAR package

Game Compatibility :
Here is a list of the compatible phones for this particular game.
Nokia 6630 / 6680 / 6681 / 6682 / N70 / N90
Samsung Z500 /
Sony Ericsson D750i / J300 / J300i / K750i / W550i / W800i / W900i / Z520


Hasło: apadanagroup


E-mail : a@a.com Kod : 10442711

  • zanotowane.pl
  • doc.pisz.pl
  • pdf.pisz.pl
  • limerykarnia.xlx.pl

  • © Citizen Journalism - t by Krzysztof Kozek! Design by Colombia Hosting