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Uwaga Wszystkie Pytania 79! dostępne!
Pytanie: The most important decisions you make playing fixed-limit Texas hold’em are made: odpowiedź:[/b] After the flop
Pytanie: A showdown is the time during the game when the following happens: odpowiedź:[/b] All players still in the hand turn up their cards and the best hand wins
Pytanie: If you can't decide what to do with your starting hand, what should you do? odpowiedź:[/b] Fold
Pytanie: From the list below, choose the word that best describes a term used at the poker table during the betting rounds: odpowiedź:[/b] All of the above
Pytanie: You are dealt (Ah,Kd) on the button and you make a pre-flop raise. 4 players call your raise. The flop comes out (7c,Ks,2h). All four players check around to you. You make a bet and three players fold and one calls in front of you. The turn comes 7h. Again it is checked to you by your heads up opponent. What is the best course of action from the following odpowiedź:[/b] You have the initiative and a made hand. You should make yet another bet here.
Pytanie: In hold’em poker, which suit ranks highest odpowiedź:[/b] none of the above
Pytanie: On the river you make your full house, and there are 3 players still left in the hand and you are first to act. Which of the following best describes what your next move should be odpowiedź:[/b]: Check/Raise
Pytanie: The betting in the first round of action begins with which player: odpowiedź:[/b] The player to the left of the big blind
Pytanie: Which of these is not a betting phrase in poker: odpowiedź:[/b] Increase
Pytanie: When acting last on the river, your decision should be based upon? odpowiedź:[/b] Your hands realized value
Pytanie: How many different two-card starting combinations exist? odpowiedź:[/b] 169
Pytanie: If you are involved in a big pot of $90 at the river. Your opponent bets making the making the pot now $96. According to pot odds, what are the odds here on your money that should make this an obvious call odpowiedź:[/b] 16 to 1
Pytanie: When is it correct to check-raise in limit hold’em odpowiedź:[/b] If you believe you will have the best hand most of the time you are called
Pytanie: In poker the word nuts describes a situation when a player is holding: odpowiedź:[/b] a premium hand that cannot be beat
Pytanie: What does check mean odpowiedź:[/b] To make no bet
Pytanie: If a player is involved in a lot of hands, calling almost any bet, this player best described as a: odpowiedź:[/b] loose player
Pytanie: Poker is a game of odpowiedź:[/b] Mostly skill with an element of luck
Pytanie: Which is the highest ranking hand from the list below odpowiedź:[/b] flush
Pytanie: How many community cards need to be exposed in order to have a flush odpowiedź:[/b] +3
Pytanie: You are dealt a “monster hand” on the flop such as a flush or a full-house. How should these types of hands be played? odpowiedź:[/b] As this is a premium hand, you should bet and raise as much as possible as to get as much money in the pot as possible.
Pytanie: What do you call playing without the cards in your hands, but rather making up your hand entirely from the community cards? odpowiedź:[/b] Playing the board
Pytanie: When you flop a big hand, what should you do odpowiedź:[/b] Give your opponents an opportunity to catch up without giving them a free card that could beat you.
Pytanie: The betting in the first round of action begins with which player: odpowiedź:[/b] The player first after Big Blind
Pytanie: On seeing the flop, you have now seen: odpowiedź:[/b] 71% of the cards in the hand
Pytanie: If the SB is $2 how much will the BB be odpowiedź:[/b] $4
Pytanie: When playing a made hand on the river, when is it correct to fold from the following possibilities odpowiedź:[/b] If you are not sure if you have the winning hand, and your opponent bets.
Pytanie: When acting last on the river, your decision should be based upon? odpowiedź:[/b] Your hands realized value.
Pytanie: How many ranks of each suit are there in a typical deck of cards used in Texas Hold'em odpowiedź:[/b] 13
Pytanie: The secret to becoming a skillful, winning player at Limit Hold’em is odpowiedź:[/b] Never play weak hands from the wrong position
Pytanie: You should check-raise if you believe odpowiedź:[/b] You will have the best hand most of the time you are called
Pytanie: An overpair is understood to be … odpowiedź:[/b] a pair in a starting hand that is higher than the highest card on the board.
Pytanie: Flush is a poker hand that contains: odpowiedź:[/b] Five cards of same suit.
Pytanie: Which of these is another name for a full house? odpowiedź:[/b] Boat.
Pytanie: What is a stack? odpowiedź:[/b] The money you bring to the poker table.
Pytanie: Which full house is the weakest? odpowiedź:[/b] 44422
Pytanie: What is a draw? odpowiedź:[/b] An unformed hand, lacking one card to become a made hand.
Pytanie: What is the order of the community cards? odpowiedź:[/b]The flop, the turn, the river
Pytanie: Check-raise means: odpowiedź:[/b] To refrain from betting hoping for another bet from an opponent
Pytanie: The flop completely misses your hand, what should you do odpowiedź:[/b] Fold
Pytanie: Which of the following is the strongest poker hand? odpowiedź:[/b] Four of a kind
Pytanie: If you play a lot of hands pre-flop you play? odpowiedź:[/b] Loose
[b]Pytanie: In TH, if there was a bet, a raise and a reraise, can you raise again? [b]odpowiedź:[/b] It depends whether it’s a fixed limit or a no limit game
[b]Pytanie: What is a draw? [b]odpowiedź:[/b] An incomplete hand missing one card to become a valuable hand
[b]Pytanie: What is the correct order? [b]odpowiedź:[/b] Flop, Turn, River
[b]Pytanie: In TH your position is determined by: [b]odpowiedź:[/b] The dealer button
[b]Pytanie: An all-in bet is possible: [b]odpowiedź:[/b] In all forms of poker - it depends on your stack and the bet size
[b]Pytanie: In pot limit Hold'em the maximum bet in any stage is: [b]odpowiedź:[/b] The pot size
[b]Pytanie: What is the worst starting hand in Texas Hold’em? [b]odpowiedź:[/b] 72 off suit
[b]Pytanie: When joining a TH game you: [b]odpowiedź:[/b] Must post a big blind bet immediately
[b]Pytanie: In TH, a poker hand consists of _____ cards: [b]odpowiedź:[/b] 5
[b]Pytanie: Playing tight means: [b]odpowiedź:[/b] Playing very selectively with your starting hands
[b]Pytanie: The button determines the: [b]odpowiedź:[/b] Betting order
[b]Pytanie: When a player is said to be on "tilt" he is: [b]odpowiedź:[/b] Upset due to earlier hands and playing badly
[b]Pytanie: A pocket pair is: [b]odpowiedź:[/b] A pair made by your hole cards
[b]Pytanie: Position is important because [b]odpowiedź:[/b] You can see other players' decisions before you decide and plan your play accordingly.
[b]Pytanie:The "kicker" in Texas Hold'em is: [b]odpowiedź:[/b]Your unpaired hole card
[b]Pytanie: It is important to observe your opponents when you are not playing a hand because: [b]odpowiedź:[/b] You can use this information when you play against them
[b]Pytanie:If you have "the nuts" you: [b]odpowiedź:[/b] Have the best possible hand
[b]Pytanie: If you are playing the board you [b]odpowiedź:[/b] Are not using any of your hole cards
[b]Pytanie: The key strategic aim when playing poker is: [b]odpowiedź:[/b] To win the most money
[b]Pytanie: Pocket rockets are: [b]odpowiedź:[/b] A pair of Aces in the hole
[b]Pytanie: In TH a player must use at least one of his hole cards: [b]odpowiedź:[/b] Not true
[b]Pytanie: In Hold'em, check raising is considered rude [b]odpowiedź:[/b] Not true
[b]Pytanie: When you just got a very bad beat and lost a big pot on the river, you should: [b]odpowiedź:[/b] Relax and take a short break
[b]Pytanie: In Hold'em, who is the first player to act pre-flop? [b]odpowiedź:[/b] The player after the big blind
[b]Pytanie: The rake in tournaments is: [b]odpowiedź:[/b] There is no rake, rather a fixed fee attached to the buy in
[b]Pytanie: In TH, the big blind: [b]odpowiedź:[/b] Is twice the size of the small blind
[b]Pytanie: When sitting at a table with more experienced players, you should: [b]odpowiedź:[/b] Play more aggressively than usual
[b]Pytanie: Complete the sentence “the more players in the pot the...? [b]odpowiedź:[/b] More you should raise to keep them out
[b]Pytanie: The pot in TH is always won by the player who has the best hand [b]odpowiedź:[/b] True but sometimes the pot is split when two players have the same hand
[b]Pytanie: When choosing a seat at a poker table you should sit… [b]odpowiedź:[/b] Behind the big stack so you can watch him play
[b]Pytanie: A loose passive player is a player who: [b]odpowiedź:[/b] Plays a lot of hands and does not bet often
[b]Pytanie: How many rounds of betting are there in Texas Hold'em? [b]odpowiedź:[/b] 4
[b]Pytanie: If you have been playing very tight for a while you should: [b]odpowiedź:[/b] Make big bluffs because you can get a way with it now
[b]Pytanie: When considering which cards to play pre-flop which is NOT a factor? [b]odpowiedź:[/b] How long you have been playing
[b]Pytanie: If you bet the pot you: [b]odpowiedź:[/b] Bet the size of the pot
[b]Pytanie: The minimum number of players possible in TH is: [b]odpowiedź:[/b] 2
[b]Pytanie: It is recommended for new poker players to: [b]odpowiedź:[/b] Not to play poker at all
[b]Pytanie: Which is the correct hand ranking? [b]odpowiedź:[/b] One pair, two pair, three of a kind, straight
[b]4. Po zdaniu testu, kliknij w link "Download the CDPoker software here". Pobierz i zainstaluj oprogramowanie i zaloguj się do CDPoker, korzystając z nazwy użytkownika i hasła, które otrzymałeś w mailu od pokerroomschool.com. http://img220.images.../poquiz1kw5.jpg http://img221.images.../poquiz2hl9.jpg
[b]5. W ciągu około godziny po zdanym quizie powinna zadzwonić do Ciebie osoba z CDPoker (nie pokrywasz żadnych kosztów), która poprosi Cię o potwierdzenie danych. Zapyta Cię o Twój e-mail, adres, kod pocztowy i datę urodzenia. Jeśli nie odbierzesz tego telefonu, musisz wysłać e-mail do supportu z prośbą o ponowny telefon!!! Skorzystaj z poniższego wzoru (jeśli nie otrzymasz telefonu weryfikacyjnego w przeciągu 72 godzin, lub nie mogłeś go odebrać):
TEMAT: Can I get a verification call please? "Hi! My username is [Twoja nazwa użytkownika] and I haven’t received my verification phone call! Can you call me please? Kind Regards, [Twoje imię i nazwisko]"
[b]6. Kiedy potwierdzisz już swoje dane, zaloguj się do CDPoker i kliknij na przycisk "Online Support" na dole ekranu:
"Hi, I registered for the 150$ free promotion on Poker Room School and successfully completed the registration and verification process. Could you please credit me with my first 50$ bonus?"
W ten sposób poinformujesz administratora poker roomu, że potwierdziłeś swoje dane i prosisz o przyznanie pierwszego bonusu w wysokosci 50$. W przeciągu paru minut (czasami może to potrwać trochę dłużej, zachowaj więc proszę cierpliwość) na Twoje zgłoszenie odpowie operator CDPoker i na Twoje konto wpłynie kapitał startowy w wysokości 50$.
W każdej chwili możesz wypłacić to, co ugrałeś powyżej otrzymanych 50$. Aby wypłacić wszystko należy ugrać 1200 CD Points. Dodatkowo po ugraniu 12 000 CD Points otrzymasz kolejne 100$